Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I saw a bear eat a pumpkin

It was awesome. We also saw white wolves, but we didnt see them eat any pumpkin.

No Trick or Treaters for us!

2 years in Seattle and no trick or treaters! Do all kids just go to the community centers on the weekends? We did see plenty of kids dressed up at the ZOO but that was the weekend BEFORE!
This was our first year as VEGANS on Halloween so we had plenty of Sweedish Fish & Sour Patch Kids to give out. 

Last year was understandable, we were 3rd floor in an apartment and were waiting for my little sister & her hubby to fly in from Delaware to visit for her 30th birthday. This year we are in a corner house by a relativley busy 4 lane road next to a Dentist & Apartment building. Perhaps even with the lights on we were that house that was just not worth the trip down the road...But they would have CLEANED UP had they come on down.

We were lucky enough to hit up Central Cinema back in good old  Capitol Hill to enjoy some Halloween style movies - Halloween (duh) and the Exorcist. It was pretty awesome to watch them on a big screen AND I didn't get grumpy or tired!

Now its time to move into Thanksgiving & Christmas planning & decorating.

Friday, September 9, 2011

12 years!

Its been 12 years since my hubby and I got married in our back yard. It was a Thursday, and we left the very next day for our honeymoon to Disney. While I was getting my hair and make up done, he was frantically re-decorating the entire yard with paper lanterns because it had rained on the first round. Many of the people who were at our wedding I am still friends with, and many have gone their own way...

We have been through A LOT since then and I know I can always count on him to keep me honest, hopeful and ready to get through anything. This past year has been stressful, frustrating, sad and exciting all at the same time.  I could not ask for a more perfect match for me and I'm luck he sticks around and puts up with my madness!

Enough of the sappy stuff, today we take a red-eye back to the East Coast to see family & friends and our lovely Rehoboth Beach. Its gonna be a great trip!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

80 degree weekend!

I took off work on Friday, to spend the day in the sunshine with Johnny. We got up, ate some waffles and headed to the Ferry Terminals to take a trip to Bainbridge Island. The trip over was SO MUCH easier on foot vs what we had experienced on the Orcas trip - waiting in lines for 2 hrs just to get ON the ferry is simply ridiculous. We made it to the island and a short walk got us to the Pub we were looking for, but not much to see along the way for cute little island shops. Much more residential than anything, at least where we were. 
Had some awesome spicy warm chickpea dip, a chickpea burger and a couple of beers. We had an uneventful but beautiful trip back. When we got home we sat outside and listened to music and played with the pups. It was pretty awesome. 
Today we walked down to Freemont  - not really as far away as we thought. Johnny made fun of me because we went to Norm's - which allows dogs and I kept pointing out all the adoreable pups! I cant help it. I'm a dog lover.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My new favorite games

My two new favorite games are stolen from the BBC show 'Outnumbered" These are games the mom plays to keep her family entertained.

"Fortunately, Unfortunately" - example:

Person 1 Starts: Fortunately - The dragon who came to visit the house was friendly
Person 2 Answers: Unfortunately - He had a bad case of diarreha.
and so on. ..

The other is "who can tell the biggest lie" and that sounds like fun too...

It entertains ME

Friday, July 1, 2011

International Beer Fest!

I'm working on taking things day by day and not pre-planning everything I do. Sometimes that works out. This morning I saw a message about the Seattle International Beer Fest on my twitter feed and Johnny & I decided that since I was already off work we should go!
Trip downtown was nice & easy, friendly older dude wanted to talk about tattoos and his blues rock band. BUT we got to the fest nice & early, no lines and a beautiful day. We got 4 oz beer glasses and 10 beer tix each. All beer samples we tried were 1 ticket each, and we enjoyed quite a few plus a Chipotle Field Roast Sausage from Dante's Dogs. I needed a little break, so we took a little nap in the sun under shadow of the Space Needle & headed home.
After a little nap & leftovers we took the pups into Woodland Park. Buko really love it there and was VERY good walking, Maxxie hung in there pretty well too!

Johnny got the wrong size DOT helmet from Lowbrow, and the bastards dont have the right size in stock, so now he's screwed. ULTRA LAME. 

Now for Advil PM and another awesome day in store for us tomorrow.
Wrote a LONG blog the other day and it didnt save! CRAP.